This website isn't for emergencies. If you're having a mental health crisis, please call or text the crisis hotline at 988.

Not for emergencies. Call/text 988 for mental health crisis.

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Introduction to Wellbeing Workshop

Please sign up for one of our two options: Workplace Session or 1:1 Chat!

Learn how improving your personal wellbeing has a ripple effect to families, friends, workplaces, and communities! 


Martin Seligman and others found that the PERMAH framework is an easy way for people to understand, measure, and take action around the well-established, evidence-based elements of wellbeing.
The PERMAH wellbeing framework is used by Midland, Michigan.

Don't Struggle Alone!

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Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition - Midland, MI - team member

Latest Wellbeing Life Hacks

Wellbeing Life Hacks are simple evidence-based ways to build wellbeing and are accessible to everyone! Built around a wellbeing model of PERMAH, each Wellbeing Life Hack will build a different component of wellbeing: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment, and Health.

Wellbeing Together

Learn how improving your personal wellbeing has a ripple effect to our families, friends, workplaces, and communities.
Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition - Group Photo