"Hi, I'm Julia Kepler, running a few businesses here in Midland, Serendipity Road, Joyful Tantrum and Shop with Moxie. Yes, we recently changed the name from Recess to Shop with Moxie. The Life Hack I will share with you today is #95 Best Case/Worst Case/Most Likely. I work with a lot of younger folks and they often worry about what's going to happen next. So, using this Life Hack is gold when it comes to helping them navigate uncertainties. Take renaming a store, for example. It's a big move, and yeah, it's a bit nerve-wracking. But with the Best Case, Worst Case, Most Likely, it has supported us all in the change. Worst case? Well, someone might not like the change. Best case? Everyone's cheering us on. Most likely? There are going to be people who like and don’t like the change. This Life Hack is about reframing your situation so you don’t get stuck in that worst-case spiral. Going through each scenario (Best Case/Worst Case/Most Likely) and feeling all the feelings is a great mental prep. In each case, you can ask yourself, “How would I feel if that happened?”, “How would I react?”, “What would I say?”. It then prepares you for what does end up happening. You realize that even the worst-case scenario isn't as terrifying once you've faced it head-on. It's all about keeping perspective and staying grounded. So, when it comes to planning and anticipating what's ahead, this Life Hack is so supportive it has become the way I look at all situations in all aspects of my life. When trying this life hack for the first time, my advice would be to practice patience with yourself. You might experience unexpected emotions, which can catch you off guard. Take it slow and allow yourself the time to process these feelings. Find a quiet space where you can reflect and perhaps journal your thoughts, especially if you're a visual person like me. Remember, as you continue to use this technique, it will gradually become a natural part of your routine, just like any other helpful habit."