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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #24: Getting Ready the Night Before

Hi, I'm Trena Winans, Director of Education and Outreach at Senior Services and a member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. Today, I'm excited to share Life Hack #18: Getting Ready the Night Before. I use this Life Hack daily since prepping ahead makes my mornings way less hectic and stressful, so I can start my day on a calm note. I get ready the night before by doing things like laying out outfits, choosing my jewelry and shoes, and prepping whatever I can for breakfast. Sometimes, I even prep whatever I can on Sunday for the entire week. This routine helps my days go more smoothly. I'm more of a night person, but regardless of whether you're a night or morning person, prepping the night before takes a little stress out of your day. It makes the day more peaceful and can even help you sleep better since you're not worrying about forgetting something. Another benefit is reaching new goals. For example, if you're trying to get more fitness into your day, reducing barriers, like laying out your workout clothes the night before, helps. For anyone trying this life hack, my advice is to just give it a try. Take some time when you have it, maybe Sunday night, to think about your day ahead. Check the weather and plan what to wear. Look at your calendar for any special meetings and set out what you'll need. If you aim to hit the gym, pack your bag in advance and maybe even put it in your car. Anything you can do in advance to make your next morning easier is worthwhile, and your morning self will thank you for it.

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“I love all of the different formats/ways to use the information! It makes it so easy for us to include naturally in whichever way is most accessible to our own lives. I can’t wait to share a weekly life hack with my new teammates/colleagues!”

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