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Life Hack #36: Finding Flow

Flow is associated with improved mood, creativity, motivation and other mental health benefits. Finding flow is sometimes challenging in a busy and hectic world.

Life Hack #35: The Name Game

How did your parents choose your name? Where does your last name come from or what does it mean? How about your middle name?

Life Hack #34: Values Check

Have you ever found yourself assessing your priorities after or even during a crisis? One of the reasons that post traumatic growth is so powerful is that experiences can lead us to examine our values.

Life Hack #33: Move

Did you know that more people sit more often than they move? Does this sound like you? Experts recommend at least 20 minutes of moderate activity per day.

Life Hack #32: 3 Good Things

When you reflect back on your day, what comes to mind more often, the struggles or the wins? How easy is it for you to notice the good things that happen to you?

Life Hack #30: Clarify Your Values

Have you ever thought about what you value? Values can help us find our why…and then guard us like guardrails as we navigate the journey of life!

Life Hack #28: The 10/5 Rule

If you’ve ever worked in hospitality, you may know the 10/5 Rule. When someone is within 10 feet of you, smile and make eye contact and then 5 feet, verbally greet them warmly.

Life Hack #26: Meal Planning

Planning, prepping, and even cooking several days worth of meals ahead of time has a number of proven advantages, from saving you time, to helping you get a wider variety of nutrients in your diet.