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Life Hack #25: Organize Your Pantry

Did you know that the amount of clutter, disorganization, and mess in your house may be connected to your mental health? It can add up to big benefits.

Life Hack #24: Temptation Bundling

Have you ever struggled to find the motivation to achieve one of your goals? Have you ever felt guilty about taking the time to indulge in something you enjoy but don’t have time for?

Life Hack #22: Gardening is Good

Want a simple way to boost mood and reduce stress? Me too! Wondering if you have time and energy to plant a garden, do some landscaping, or plant flowers this year?

Life Hack #21: Meaning in the Mundane

What are those boring, routine tasks that you have in your life? Whatever they are, research shows that we can be more motivated to do it & even enjoy it a bit more if it’s meaningful.

Life Hack #20: Notebook in Your Car

How many times have you thought of something important while you were driving? Our brains can only handle about 5-7 items of information at a time.

Life Hack #19: Yet

One of the best mental attitudes we can adopt is being open to learning and growth. Our brain truly is like a muscle, it grows and it changes whenever we work to learn something new.

Life Hack #18: Getting Ready the Night Before

Did you know the start of your day predicts how the remainder of your day will turn out? If you feel rushed before you leave the house, chances all you’ll spend the rest of the day trying to catch up.

Life Hack #17: Mindful Moments

How often during the day do you tune into what your body is telling you? Mindful movement is a powerful way to get benefits of mindfulness, savoring, and emotional regulation all in one!

Life Hack #16: Positive Energizers

Have you ever heard the phase “a rising tide lifts all boats?” Research strongly supports the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive energizers.