Quotes To Live By
Quote #26: Samantha Jones
Hi, I'm Samm Jones, Executive Director of a local nonprofit organization, PartnerShift Network, and a Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition member. A quote that grounds me is, "Always assume positive intent." This quote reminds me to believe in the best in people and practice empathy. This quote supports my wellbeing by reducing negative reactions to others' actions. It brings my focus back to helping others by understanding their perspective. So, next time you are experiencing interpersonal tension, a moment of "what are they thinking?!" -will you toil over it or will you show empathy and assume positive intent? This has been brought to you by the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition's Quotes to Live By Series. Thank you for reading.
Quote submitted by Samantha Jones
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Want to contribute to the “Quotes To Live By”? Contact Kathy Snyder at [email protected].