This website isn't for emergencies. If you're having a mental health crisis, please call or text the crisis hotline at 988.

Not for emergencies. Call/text 988 for mental health crisis.

midland wellbeing coalition logo
Wellbeing Calendars
We have monthly calendars that we share from Random Acts of Kindness, Action for Happiness and Greater Good Science Center. Check back monthly to grab the latest calendar!

Random Acts of Kindness

A year-long journey of kindness, compassion, and self-care designed specifically for the workplace.
Random Acts of Kindness February Calendar

Action for Happiness

Action For Happiness February Calendar

Greater Good Science Center

Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition - Midland, MI - team member

Latest Wellbeing Life Hacks

Wellbeing Life Hacks are simple evidence-based ways to build wellbeing and are accessible to everyone! Built around a wellbeing model of PERMAH, each Wellbeing Life Hack will build a different component of wellbeing: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment, and Health.

Wellbeing Together

Learn how improving your personal wellbeing has a ripple effect to our families, friends, workplaces, and communities.
Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition - Group Photo