When was the last time you got lost in the moment while doing something you enjoyed? Did time seem to fall away? Did you lose awareness of the world around you? It turns out that these moments – called flow – are really good for us!
Flow is associated with improved mood, creativity, motivation and other mental health benefits.
Finding flow is sometimes challenging in a busy and hectic world so it can be helpful to recognize its component parts.
A flow state is an ideal blend between skill and challenge – too much or too little of either – can lead to things like boredom or anxiety. So play around with flow in your life and where you might find it.
During work?
Reading a book?
Doing a hobby you love?
While gardening?
In a fascinating conversation?
See what you can do to find a bit more flow in your life!
Life Hack Reflections:
What is already going well in your work or daily activities that helps you feel engaged or immersed?
How might cultivating flow in your work or personal life enhance your overall wellbeing?
What barriers might prevent you from experiencing flow, and how can you address them?
What types of tasks or activities naturally help you lose track of time and feel deeply engaged?
How can you create conditions that make it easier to enter a state of flow in your daily life?