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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack #51: Honor Your Attention Span

How long can you focus on something? Have you ever taken longer on a task than what was actually needed? Was your attention span at least partly to blame? Well, honoring your attention span is important. Interestingly, studies are divided on what the average attention span is for people these days. Several studies on students show that minds seem to start wandering at about 20 minutes. Other studies suggest that this length can vary widely due to any number of factors: stress level, time of day, complexity of the task, interest level, other distractions, and the list goes on. The consistent piece of research is that it only takes about 30 seconds to reset our attention – stretch, ask a question, focus breathing, whatever helps you to regroup. The lesson here then is it to find out what works for you and take breaks when needed. Paying attention to and honoring our own attention span can help us to be more productive, less stressed, and more satisfied with the tasks we choose to do. It’s worth it to give your attention span some attention!
Life Hack #51: Honor Your Attention Span from the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition

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