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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #42: Learning Loop

Hi, I’m Sarah Weisbarth, Director of Discover You, a part of the Rock Center for Youth Development and member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. I am excited to share with you Life Hack #1 the Learning Loop.

I love the Learning Loop. It’s a tool we teach in our programs, we use in our organization and I also use it personally. Personally, it’s a simple, yet powerful tool that helps me reflect on a lot of different parts of my day.

For me, the Learning Loop is like self-awareness in action. Instead of focusing only on what went wrong, I prime my brain to notice the positives too. It’s become second nature now. Everyday on my drive home I ask myself the three questions of the Learning Loop: “What went well? What did I struggle with? What will I do differently next time?”

If you want to try this Life Hack out the best thing is to just start. Pick a time like after a meeting, an event, or just at the end of the day, asking those three simple questions creates space for growth. So I encourage you to give the Learning Loop a try. It might sound overly simple, but sometimes the best tools are.

Additional Resources

In 2025 we are highlighting weekly Life Hack Reflections which include five questions to help you better incorporate the Wellbeing Life Hack into your life in ways that work for you. If you would like to receive a weekly email with the Life Hack Reflections, register below.  

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Our dinnertime conversations are more meaningful now!”

“I like to journal and it’s been fun to work these questions into my nightly routine. I look forward to getting these emails each week. I often share them with my kids.”

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