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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #18: Be Playful

"Hi, I’m Emily Migut. I work at the Dow Credit Union and work for and am a member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. The Life Hack I will share today is # 62 Be Playful. Being playful is something we often forget as adults unless we are around children a lot. As adults, we get lost in daily life. However, injecting fun into our lives helps us bring joy and connect with others. For me, being playful means embracing moments of joy and silliness, whether it's dancing like a robot with my grandchildren as they get dressed in the morning or making my husband laugh with quirky antics. These moments bring a lightness to life. I work to mindfully incorporate playfulness into my day, whether teasing my husband after work or doing other activities I enjoy. The key to this life hack is to find what brings you joy and laughter, whether it's something as simple as a silly dance or a game of duck, duck, goose. If you want to try out this life hack and bring more playfulness into your life, start by embracing the childlike joy of simple activities like Play-Doh. Find things that make you laugh and bring you happiness, and don't be afraid to let loose and have fun. "

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“I love all of the different formats/ways to use the information! It makes it so easy for us to include naturally in whichever way is most accessible to our own lives. I can’t wait to share a weekly life hack with my new teammates/colleagues!”

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