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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #34: Create a Bed Time Routine

Hi, I’m Teresa Oliver, a continuing medical education specialist with MyMichigan Health. I am also a Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition member and a workplace wellbeing ambassador. I am excited to share Life Hack # 66: Creating a Bedtime Routine.

We started this bedtime routine at the beginning of the year. It involves turning off all electronics one hour before bedtime. As a family, we each find a book to read that sparks our interest. This helps us wind down, take our minds off the stressors of the day, and prepare for a quality night's sleep by immersing ourselves in something enjoyable and relaxing.

Good quality sleep is crucial for overall wellbeing, both mentally, physically, and emotionally. Since implementing this practice, we've seen improved sleep quality, better emotional regulation, and improved physical health. Quality sleep is as important as diet and exercise. It helps me improve my work performance, making me more focused and efficient throughout the day. Sleep has a huge impact, both professionally and personally.

For anyone trying to create a bedtime routine, find something that works for you and your family. It could be having each person share about their day, journaling, or reading a book. The activity can vary—one person might read while another journals or does puzzles. Consistency is key. Going to bed at the same time and in the same way trains our bodies that sleep is on the way.

Establishing a routine takes time. For us, it took about two solid weeks before it started to stick. By the third week, it felt natural. Now, six months later, it’s a regular part of our lives. Despite some initial resistance, we've found it to be well worth the effort.

Additional Resources

In 2025 we are highlighting weekly Life Hack Reflections which include five questions to help you better incorporate the Wellbeing Life Hack into your life in ways that work for you. If you would like to receive a weekly email with the Life Hack Reflections, register below.  

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Our dinnertime conversations are more meaningful now!”

“I like to journal and it’s been fun to work these questions into my nightly routine. I look forward to getting these emails each week. I often share them with my kids.”

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