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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #29: Joyful Movement

Hi, I’m Michelle Bahr, a member of the Wellbeing Coalition and the retired Director of Special Ed at the Middle County ESA. Now, I call myself a community volunteer, a title I absolutely love. Today, I want to share a Life Hack that has really helped me in my retirement, Life Hack # 58 Joyful Movement. I chose Joyful Movements, Life Hack number 58. As I neared retirement, I knew I needed to stay healthy, not just for myself but also for my new grandbaby and my elderly parents. I started looking for joyful movement about six months before retiring. I tried different apps until I found one that worked for me called Just Fitness. This app allowed me to customize my workouts based on difficulty and duration. I started with 15-minute workouts and gradually increased to 30 minutes as I got stronger. Since retiring, I’ve only missed four days of exercising in over a year. Sometimes, I modify exercises if I’m feeling achy, or choose different routines that suit my needs for the day. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned while trying out this Life Hack was to be kind to myself. Yoga didn’t work for me, and that’s okay. On tough days, I modify my routine and do what I can. My advice for trying this Life Hack is don’t set strict rules, or set too high expectations since this can’t set you up for success. You can think that every day can be a fresh start. Even if you miss a day or a week, just start over and celebrate those wins. My advice is to keep going. If you exercise for five minutes more than the day before, it’s a win.

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In 2025 we are highlighting weekly Life Hack Reflections which include five questions to help you better incorporate the Wellbeing Life Hack into your life in ways that work for you. If you would like to receive a weekly email with the Life Hack Reflections, register below.  

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