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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #36: Meeting People in Their Space

Hi, I'm Kevin Heye, the Executive Director at the Midland Child Advocacy Center formally Safe and Sound. A life hack that I've found invaluable, both in my professional and personal life, is Life Hack #41, Meeting People in Their Space.

At work, whether I’m talking with staff, colleagues, or community members, I make it a point to pause, set aside distractions, and really listen to the person in front of me. I’ve found that taking this time to truly engage in the conversation strengthens relationships and fosters a supportive and collaborative environment. It’s about starting with grace—approaching every interaction with an open mind, free of preconceived notions, and focusing on the other person’s needs.

In my personal life, I apply the same principle with my family. When my kids or my wife want to talk, I try to stop whatever I’m doing and give them my full attention. It’s important to me that they know they’re a priority and that I’m genuinely interested in what they say. Sometimes, just being there to listen is all they need to feel supported.

This approach also helps in understanding that not every situation requires an immediate solution. As someone who often feels the urge to jump in and fix things, I’ve learned that sometimes people simply need someone to listen to feel that their concerns are being acknowledged. I keep a stone on my desk that says “breathe” as a reminder to slow down and be present in these moments.

The one thing that can help with trying this Life Hack on is pausing in your conversations with others, take a breathe and seeing how you can best meet people where they are at. It’s a practice that helps me be a better leader, a more attentive husband and father, and a more compassionate community member.

Additional Resources

In 2025 we are highlighting weekly Life Hack Reflections which include five questions to help you better incorporate the Wellbeing Life Hack into your life in ways that work for you. If you would like to receive a weekly email with the Life Hack Reflections, register below.  

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