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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #3: Personal Pep Talk

"I am Erin Patrice, a creator and founder of the Breaking Bread Village and Outreach coordinator Assistant for the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. The Life Hack that I chose to talk about is Life Hack # 27 Personal Pep Talk. I use this Life Hack every day, so that was very easy for me to choose. I start my day off with, “Be your yes, and your gifts will make room for you.” This means simply saying yes to yourself every day: “Yes, I can do this. Yes, I'm capable. Yes, I'm worthy. Yes, yes, yes.” And so, for me, oftentimes, people live surrounded by no's. People say, no, you can't do it. No, you're not worthy. No, you're not capable. So, for me, it's an idea that instead of waiting for people to say yes to you, you have to say yes to yourself. When you first start your day off, tell yourself, “You are capable of today. You can conquer today. You got this.” I start my day off by telling myself these statements because how can I encourage others if I can't even encourage myself? So I always start off my day being my own cheerleader for that day. "

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