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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #31: Power of Exhale (8-11 Breathing Method)

Hi, I’m Christi Dickey, a Special Ed Supervisor at Midland County ESA and a life coach with Platinum Performance Coaching. I’m thrilled to be part of the Midland Wellbeing Coalition. Today, I want to share a Life Hack that I use all the time Life Hack #4, Power of Exhale, a specific breathing technique called the 8-11.

The 8-11 technique involves inhaling for 8 seconds and exhaling for 11 seconds. This helps relax the parasympathetic nervous system, grounding you and bringing you back to the moment. I find it especially useful when I feel overwhelmed, like when I'm playing a ridiculous game of whack-a-mole and need to breathe and get back on track.

Incorporating this into my daily life took time, about four months, before it became a habit. Now, I even use it to transition into sleep. Instead of just going to bed, I use the 8-11 breathing to wind down, signaling to my body that it’s time to sleep.

At first, this technique might feel strange, so I recommend trying it in a private place. One of my first successful experiences was in the Target parking lot, where I felt overwhelmed with work calls. I decided to give the 8-11 a try and found it incredibly calming.

If 8 and 11 seconds are too long, start with 4 seconds each and gradually extend your breath as you get more comfortable. The key is to stay curious, open-minded, and patient with yourself as you develop this habit. It can make you a better problem solver and listener, impacting your life in unexpected and positive ways.

Additional Resources

In 2025 we are highlighting weekly Life Hack Reflections which include five questions to help you better incorporate the Wellbeing Life Hack into your life in ways that work for you. If you would like to receive a weekly email with the Life Hack Reflections, register below.  

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