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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #15: Tiny Habits

"Hi, I'm Cathy Lunsford, the Midland County Treasurer and a proud member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. Today, I'm excited to share a life hack that's significantly impacted my life: Life Hack # 3 Tiny Habits. I first stumbled upon the concept of tiny habits while pursuing the Certificate in Wellbeing in 2020. It stuck out to me so much that I even picked up B.J. Fogg's book on Tiny Habits. Tiny habits are all about starting small to reach larger goals. It's as simple as identifying a small behavior you'd like to incorporate into your routine, attaching it to something you already do, and celebrating your success. One example is making my bed. I used to leave my bed pillows strewn on the floor, so I decided to start a tiny habit. I decided to start picking up my pillows after I woke up and celebrate with a shower. It may seem like a small step, yet it sets a positive tone for my day and contributes to a tidier space. So, if you want to make a positive change in your life, consider starting a tiny habit. Identify something you can and are motivated to do and find a simple way to incorporate it into your day. "

Additional Resources

In 2025 we are highlighting weekly Life Hack Reflections which include five questions to help you better incorporate the Wellbeing Life Hack into your life in ways that work for you. If you would like to receive a weekly email with the Life Hack Reflections, register below.  

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“I like to journal and it’s been fun to work these questions into my nightly routine. I look forward to getting these emails each week. I often share them with my kids.”

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