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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack in Action #15: Tiny Habits

"Hi, I'm Cathy Lunsford, the Midland County Treasurer and a proud member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. Today, I'm excited to share a life hack that's significantly impacted my life: Life Hack # 3 Tiny Habits. I first stumbled upon the concept of tiny habits while pursuing the Certificate in Wellbeing in 2020. It stuck out to me so much that I even picked up B.J. Fogg's book on Tiny Habits. Tiny habits are all about starting small to reach larger goals. It's as simple as identifying a small behavior you'd like to incorporate into your routine, attaching it to something you already do, and celebrating your success. One example is making my bed. I used to leave my bed pillows strewn on the floor, so I decided to start a tiny habit. I decided to start picking up my pillows after I woke up and celebrate with a shower. It may seem like a small step, yet it sets a positive tone for my day and contributes to a tidier space. So, if you want to make a positive change in your life, consider starting a tiny habit. Identify something you can and are motivated to do and find a simple way to incorporate it into your day. "

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“I love all of the different formats/ways to use the information! It makes it so easy for us to include naturally in whichever way is most accessible to our own lives. I can’t wait to share a weekly life hack with my new teammates/colleagues!”

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