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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack #56: Name Your Strengths

What’s easier? Naming your weaknesses or naming your strengths? How have your strengths helped you to thrive more in life? It’s well worth keeping a close eye on the strengths that are most important to you – called your signature or top strengths. Research shows that there are 24 strengths of character that exist in all of us. Discovering and naming our character strengths can be a powerful way to build and support our wellbeing – when times are good and bad. When faced with a challenging situation, naming our strengths and being intentional about using them can help reduce stress, improve problem solving, and support our relationships.
Additionally, there are five main strengths we all possess that have the strongest ties to our happiness. They are: zest, hope, love, gratitude, and curiosity. So one way to know and use our strengths is by taking the free inventory at Or if that’s not of interest, simply work to live one or more of the happiness strengths as you go about your days and notice it when you see yourself or others showing it. When we can be more aware and intentional about naming and authentically living our strengths, our world can be a better place for all!

Additional Resources

In 2025 we are highlighting weekly Life Hack Reflections which include five questions to help you better incorporate the Wellbeing Life Hack into your life in ways that work for you. If you would like to receive a weekly email with the Life Hack Reflections, register below.  

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