What does time management mean to you? Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time? It is common for us to think of time as a commodity – we buy time, waste time, manage time, borrow time, etc. Truth is, we have 24 hours in a day – no more, no less. Given that fact, how we choose to view time matters. People who successfully reimagine time feel more in control of their lives, are healthier, and experience more positive emotions. So what is the trick? Shifting our mindset from managing time to focusing on our values, priorities, and purposeful habits can be a real game changer. When we perceive our life is out of our control, we feel we have less time. This also applies to the mental time stealers, like when we ruminate and worry about things that either aren’t productive or we can’t control. If we are able to bring small moments of control into our daily schedules and focus on what really matters to us, then we can better support our wellbeing. Be sure to give yourself some grace as you practice this shift in perspective to reimagine time!