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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack #98: SAFEly Struggling

Have you ever wondered why we have emotions, especially the not-so-great ones? How are our emotions, even the unpleasant ones, an essential part of our human experience? All emotions are data that can help us figure out what to do and think next. They provide us with vital information that makes us pay attention. Ignoring or pushing back our uncomfortable emotions can actually increase our stress response, making life more difficult to manage. Studies show that working through these emotions can help us manage stress more effectively and keep it from piling up. One simple tool to try is the acronym SAFE by Adam Fraser. When you experience an unpleasant emotion, Sit with the discomfort and Accept it without judgment. Next Focus on the opportunity for growth and Engage best thought or action that will lead toward that growth. We can learn from all emotions if we take the time to SAFEly Struggle with them, sometimes in the moment, sometimes upon later reflection. So, the next time you face unpleasant emotions, remember to view them as data you can learn from. Embrace them, work through them, and make your emotions work for you, not against you.

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