How often do you go from point A to point B without acknowledging the people around you? Have you ever been so lost in your own mental chatter, or on your device, that you missed opportunities to connect with others? Studies show that when we take the time to see others and take the time to connect, the wellbeing of both parties is improved. We all have a need to be seen, to feel like we matter. Even seemingly small gestures like smiling and saying hello to people we pass in the hall can make a big difference in their day. And it feels good for us too. Paying someone a genuine compliment, turning to face people who approach our desk, taking those few extra minutes to be curious about someone’s experiences, these are easy ways to see others. Some say our most precious commodity is time, one could also argue it is actually our attention. Taking time to give someone our attention in authentic, kind, and curious ways can help others feel seen and can help us feel better connected with people around us.