When was the last time you chose to learn something new for no reason except that you wanted to? Why are learning goals important to wellbeing? Setting learning goals is an important way to exercise your mind and boost your wellbeing. Each week, set at least one learning goal to build your competence in something. It might be a skill you want to gain, a task you want to master, or simply the desire to understand something better. Notice what happens as you practice, make mistakes, make adjustments, and eventually start to do better in the competence you’re building. As you tackle this goal, practice letting go of the outcome, embracing your mistakes, and identifying the processes and efforts you can build upon to keep improving. By defining why, how, and what you want to achieve, you gain clarity and direction in your learning journey. These goals act as a guiding light, motivating you even during challenging times. By setting learning goals and working to accomplish them, you’ll not only enhance your wellbeing but also cultivate a growth mindset that empowers you to embrace new challenges and become the best version of yourself.