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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Life Hack #77: Life Harmony

When was the last time you felt like your life was in balance? What if there was a different way to view your life responsibilities? How might life harmony be a more effective perspective? Life harmony means focusing on living a happy, healthy, fulfilling life rather than just balancing everything perfectly. By focusing on life harmony, studies show we can experience more positive emotions, improved productivity, increased life satisfaction, and better health. Instead of trying to balance the scales and becoming anxious or guilty when things are tipping one way or the other, prioritizing harmony allows us to create a life that works and feels right for us. For example, in some seasons of life, perhaps family is emphasized more and work might be in other seasons. Thinking of harmony over a time frame that works for us is important as well – you might choose to assess your harmony each day, others may choose to look at the week or month as a better picture. Get curious with your own sense of harmony – your life is different from anyone else’s. Consider the goals and priorities that really matter to you and get creative about how to better integrate your life – to find your own life harmony. 


Life Hack #77: Life Harmony from the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition in Midland, MI

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