Wellbeing Together
Learn how improving your personal wellbeing has a ripple effect to our families, friends, workplaces, and communities.

The podcast series “Surprising Stories of Community Wellbeing” highlights how the Midland community, led by Mayor Maureen Donker, has embraced positive psychology and wellbeing science to transform their town. Through the creation of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition, the community began implementing evidence-based practices to help individuals and organizations thrive, even during challenging times. The series features stories of local leaders, such as Joslyn Chulsky, Dr. John Searles, Kathy Dollard, Kimberly Houston, and Keri Kenney, who applied positive psychology tools to improve wellbeing across various sectors like education, healthcare, and the justice system.
Each episode showcases practical applications of wellbeing science, such as emotional intelligence in the workplace, improving teacher retention through community-building strategies, addressing loneliness among seniors, and creating safe spaces for female leaders. The series emphasizes the importance of using evidence-based practices to foster collective wellbeing at the individual, interpersonal, and systemic levels, with a focus on creating supportive environments where people can thrive and struggle well together. The overarching message is that community wellbeing is an ongoing, collaborative effort, shaped by the unique needs and resources of each community.
Wellbeing Life Hacks are simple evidence-based ways to build wellbeing and are accessible to everyone! Built around a wellbeing model of PERMAH, each Wellbeing Life Hack will build a different component of wellbeing: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment, and Health.
Kimberly DuBrul shares a Life Hack in Action: Get Ready The Night Before
Kimberly DuBrul shares a Life Hack in Action: Start Your Day Your Way