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Quotes To Live By

Quote #34: Chiara Cameron Wood

Hi! My name is Chiara Cameron-Wood and I am the Executive Director at 211 Northeast Michigan. A quote that helps me focus is “Everything is figureoutable”. I don’t even know if figureoutable is a word, but this quote was given to me by my aunt who told me this attitude she sees in me is what inspires her. I keep the plaque she made for me with this quote and keep it on my desk. When things are getting overwhelming or don’t seem to have a solution, I look at that quote and it helps me remember to stop, take a breath and create mental space for my brain to do its thing and to take deep breaths and pull my body out of panic mode. It also reminds me that everything doesn’t have to be figured out right now….but that it is possible to figure things out. How can slowing down a little and creating space for your mind and body to reset help YOU find solutions to problems?

Chiara Cameron Wood shares a Quote to Live By from the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition.

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