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Quotes To Live By

Quote #58: Kathy Snyder

Hi, I'm Kathy Snyder, Director of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. A quote that I live by pretty much every day is this: Life is about learning lessons. I have no idea where the quote came from, but it's something I remind myself of when I mess up, which is often! I try to give myself grace, learn from my mistakes, and try to do better next time. This helps me because it's a clear reminder that I am not perfect, nor should I try to be if I really want to learn from life. So then next time something doesn't go the way you anticipated, keep in mind that life is about learning lessons!

This is a quote to live by from Kathy Snyder, from the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition in Midland MI

Additional Resources

Want to contribute to the “Quotes To Live By”? Contact Kathy Snyder at [email protected]

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