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Quotes To Live By

Quote #74: Gary Billotti

"Hi, my name is Gary Billotti, and I am a retired senior citizen here in Midland. I am also a member of the Midland Area WellBeing Coalition. This is a quote that really helps me focus on what I can do to make a positive difference in my world and my community. It helps me to remember that if I want something to change, I need to focus my energy on what is in my control and what I can/should DO, and not spend too much time worrying about things that are not in my control, or what others are or are not doing. One personal example of this would be my involvement in starting up the Miracle Field here in Midland. The planning, organization and passion of the key people involved was amazing. I wanted to contribute, and saw what I felt was a gap in the development of a training program for volunteers and coaches. There was so much needing to be done, and it just felt like this was not being addressed as much as I felt it could be. I decided that instead of standing on the sideline, I needed to step up and volunteer my time to build a training program that could support this amazing effort. In full transparency, this is not purely altruistic, as I have personally benefitted from the amazing feeling that comes from of contributing to something that helps others. This has been brought to you by the Midland Area WellBeing Coalition. After looking in the mirror, if you want to change your ways, join us at"

Additional Resources

Want to contribute to the “Quotes To Live By”? Contact Kathy Snyder at [email protected]

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