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Quotes To Live By

Quote #86: Michelle Bahr

Hi, my name is Michelle Bahr, and I am a retired volunteer and member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. A quote that I love is:

And if, when it is all over, I'm asked what I did with my life, I want to be able to say "I offered love." by Terri St. Cloud.

The reason I find this quote so powerful is that the legacy you leave should be about the relationships you had, the people you love, and the difference you hopefully made in your tie on earth. We all make daily mistakes, hurt other's feelings, have regrets -- but at the end of your life, all that matters is that you have loved and were loved.

This supports my wellbeing by constantly remembering to show and express your love.

So, think about how you can show love daily, in big and small ways every day.

This has been brought to you by the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition's Quotes to Live By Series. Sending love --- Michelle Bahr

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Want to contribute to the “Quotes To Live By”? Contact Ashley at [email protected]

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