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Quotes To Live By

Quote #91: Jenny Bruzewski

Hi, I'm Jenny Bruzewski, Chief Operating Officer for the Midland Business Alliance and a member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. A quote that energizes me is "You don't have to. You get to", said by Jess Sims.

The reason I find this quote so energizing is that it helps me remember to appreciate everything in my life, even the things I sometimes take for granted or see as “work.” The quote originates from a fitness instructor and refers to exercise, but I find it applies everywhere. I have young children along with a busy career and sometimes get overwhelmed with everything on my plate but remembering that I get to raise two wonderful daughters and work in a meaningful job for an organization I’m passionate about is humbling. I don’t have to. I get to!

So, what things in your life can you look at as a blessing instead of a burden? This has been brought to you by the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition's Quotes to Live By Series. Cheers!

Jenny Bruzewski Quote To Live By Graphic

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Want to contribute to the “Quotes To Live By”? Contact Ashley at [email protected]

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