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midland wellbeing coalition logo

Accomplishment: Harnessing the Power of Visioning

Wellbeing is a large, all encompassing concept with many moving parts, just like the The Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. The group includes over 130 members and nearly 60 partner organizations throughout the community, working to help Midland achieve a thriving place for all….

Quote #42: Heidi McIvor-Allen

Every day, we all have a beautiful opportunity to set new goals for ourselves professionally and personally and say NO to things that don’t NOurish us anymore. Unless it’s a F*#& YES, then it should be a NO!

Quote #41: Sarah Owens

The point of a story is never about the ending, remember. It’s about your character getting molded in the hard work of the middle.

Quote #38: Meghan Dahl

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.