Life Hack in Action #5: Is it Helpful?
Meghan Dahl shares a Life Hack in Action: Is it helpful?
Life Hack in Action #4: Make a playlist of your Favorite Songs
Gary Billotti shares a Life Hack in Action: Make a playlist of your Favorite Songs!
Life Hack in Action #3: Personal Pep Talk
Erin Patrice shares her Life Hack in Action: Personal Pep Talk!
Life Hack #104: Peak End Theory
Have you ever noticed how certain moments in life stick with you, while others fade away? Why do we remember the endings of events more than the everyday moments in the middle?
Life Hack #103: Engage with Nature
Have you ever felt that time in nature just makes everything seem a bit brighter, more peaceful, or just plain better? Have you found yourself invigorated by the crisp wind, a gorgeous sunrise, or a sunny day?
Life Hack #98: SAFEly Struggling
Have you ever wondered why we have emotions, especially the not-so-great ones? How are our emotions, even the unpleasant ones, an essential part of our human experience?
Life Hack #95: Best Case/Worst Case/Most Likely
Have you ever found yourself dwelling on what could go wrong and the what ifs? Does your mind tend to veer toward the worst case scenario?