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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Wellbeing Life Hacks are simple research-based ways to build wellbeing and are accessible to everyone! Built around a wellbeing model of PERMAH, each Wellbeing Life Hack will build a different component of wellbeing: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment, and Health.

Designed with a variety of learning styles in mind, they are designed to introduce a skill in 2 minutes. They can be learned anywhere – at home, with family, on a commute, in common workspaces, in a meeting, through everyday conversation, just about anywhere!

2022 Wellbeing Life Hacks

2023 Wellbeing Life Hacks

Search Past Life Hacks Using the Search Bar Below!

Life Hack #104: Peak End Theory

Have you ever noticed how certain moments in life stick with you, while others fade away? Why do we remember the endings of events more than the everyday moments in the middle?

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Life Hack #103: Engage with Nature

Have you ever felt that time in nature just makes everything seem a bit brighter, more peaceful, or just plain better? Have you found yourself invigorated by the crisp wind, a gorgeous sunrise, or a sunny day?

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Life Hack #97: SMART Ask

Have you ever found yourself struggling with a problem, and yet, hesitation held you back from asking for assistance? Do you sometimes wonder how to navigate the delicate balance between seeking help and maintaining your independence?

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Life Hack #96: See Others

How often do you go from point A to point B without acknowledging the people around you? Have you ever been so lost in your own mental chatter, or on your device, that you missed opportunities to connect with others?

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Life Hack #93: Celebration

How often do you celebrate your accomplishments – big and small? Can you think back on a time in your life when you celebrated a win or something you accomplished?

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