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Wellbeing Life Hacks

Wellbeing Life Hacks are simple research-based ways to build wellbeing and are accessible to everyone! Built around a wellbeing model of PERMAH, each Wellbeing Life Hack will build a different component of wellbeing: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment, and Health.

Designed with a variety of learning styles in mind, they are designed to introduce a skill in 2 minutes. They can be learned anywhere – at home, with family, on a commute, in common workspaces, in a meeting, through everyday conversation, just about anywhere!

2022 Wellbeing Life Hacks

2023 Wellbeing Life Hacks

Search Past Life Hacks Using the Search Bar Below!

Life Hack #40: Post Your Strengths

Do you know your strengths? With a brain designed to pick out negatives more readily than the positives, there could be great benefit to literally posting our strengths in front of us.

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Life Hack #37: Not Right Now

Have you ever found yourself just not interested in taking on a new challenge? Have you ever lacked motivation to engage in something you know is good for you?

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Life Hack #36: Finding Flow

Flow is associated with improved mood, creativity, motivation and other mental health benefits. Finding flow is sometimes challenging in a busy and hectic world.

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Life Hack #34: Values Check

Have you ever found yourself assessing your priorities after or even during a crisis? One of the reasons that post traumatic growth is so powerful is that experiences can lead us to examine our values.

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Life Hack #33: Move

Did you know that more people sit more often than they move? Does this sound like you? Experts recommend at least 20 minutes of moderate activity per day.

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Life Hack #32: 3 Good Things

When you reflect back on your day, what comes to mind more often, the struggles or the wins? How easy is it for you to notice the good things that happen to you?

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